Thursday, May 31, 2007

I hate frustration

I do. I hate it. It causes the tiny vein in my head to pop out. But what causes my frustration? The correct question is what DIDN'T frustrate me today? The kids were just outrageous today. Normally they aren't this bad but today, man! My dad is normally a good person to start trouble with the kids. And he was but not until the late afternoon. Corrie was extremely whiney today. Which isn't a surprise it's just it really got to me today. Jordan was good. It's days like today that I really wish I only had him to watch. It happens. But three kids is a lot, I've noticed. If it wasn't Breanna crying, it was Corrie being mean to her sister. I actually used Time Out today. Corrie got it for being mean to her sister and telling her she couldn't play a game with the two older kids. It's a fact of life. The youngest sibling will always be subjected to being left out of the older person's fun. I'm the baby in the family. I know. My brother left me out of tons of games that I wanted to play with him because I wasn't big enough to keep up with the older kids. Maybe that's why I have so much pity for the fact that Breanna can't play as many games as Corrie and Jordan. But I caught Corrie singing a very familiar tune when she was being mean to her little sister. It just reminded me of the way my own older brother acted towards me. I understand the older sibling's need to play with his or her own friends but that doesn't excuse being mean to them so, I was harsh. And I yelled. But for good reason. Corrie learned a lesson and Breanna was happy. But the frustration came later on in the afternoon with my dad. The kids had been extremely rambunctious today and by the time 3PM came around, I was ready to pull my hair out. So, what better time than the present to instigate a "be quiet and relax" game? I set them on my bed in my bedroom and told them to be quiet and watch TV. It seemed perfect. The kids asked me to turn on a game and play it for them. So, granting their wish, I turned on the PS2 that's in my room and began playing a Sonic game for them to enjoy. They seemed content for a good 20 minutes. But I got so involved in the game (because I forgot all the frustration of the day in the midst of the game) that I didn't notice that Breanna and Corrie weren't in my room anymore. Now, keep in mind I told them to stay in my room for quiet time. When I noticed they were gone and I heard my dad talking to the girls. I paused the game and literally ran to the living room where I promptly told them to come back to my room. Once there, I went to Dad. I asked him what they were doing and he informed me that he walked out of his office and they were just sitting there on the couch without the TV on so he asked them what was wrong. They told him they wanted to color. Now, I do realize that my dad is the owner of the house but those kids are MY responsibility. Not his. So, I make the rules. Not him. Which means I override his commands. Period. Especially when it comes to the well-being of the kids. I am getting paid to watch them. Not him. End of story. So, as soon as I straightened him out, I went back to my room where I promptly scolded them for bothering my dad. He works from home and apparently they think he is off work when he is at home. Wrong. He works from home. After that explanation, I set them in the living room. The girls left about 3:30 when their father got there. After they left is when the real frustration started.

I love my dad to death but my GOD he does not listen to a word. I realize I am the youngest in the family but I am 20. I am an adult. The only reason I live with my parents is because I go to Hinds and free living is a lot better than...well...bills. So, there. Still in all, my opinion sometimes makes sense. We have Comcast, recently turned from Time Warner. We have an HDTV so, naturally, we have the box to match. The HDTV Comcast box. We noticed about two weeks ago that some of the channels after being recorded were fuzzy. So, naturally, we call tech support to come out and look at our box. He informs us that it was just too hot under the Entertainment center. Now, I had all three youngins when the Comcast guy first came out. Him and I both agreed that the box needed to be put on top of the Entertainment center. There was plenty of room to do so and we thought it was the obvious choice. The only problem was we have the sub woofer to our surround sound up there. And we also have a Samurai sword up there too. My family collects swords. We have like ten in the house. I own two daggers. Anywho, me and the Comcast guy had already thought we'd put it on top of the sub woofer without a problem. We get my dad on the phone. He doesn't wanna do that. Frustration. I leave the house with the kids and my dad comes home and demands the box be put back where it was. So, when I got home, to my frustration, it was back in its spot. The first reaction was, "What the heck are you doin? We had it perfect." He chose not to do that. Whatever. As long as my box is fixed. Well, it was. For the most part. Only a couple of shows recorded fuzzy. So, he called the Comcast guy today. He said, the box is still fuzzy. The tech says, "Okay, we're gonna send an update to the box. Hang on." And he does. Now, instead of waiting to see if the box is fixed, he demands another Comcast HD box. I wouldn't have a problem with this only I have some stuff recorded on my DVR (Digital Video Recorder) that I don't want to lose. You get a new box, you lose all your shows. The shows include the original episodes of So You Think You Can Dance auditions. Those are always my favorite to watch. If a new box comes, I lose those. Now, when we switched to an HD box when we got our TV, I had the original episodes of American Idol that were the auditions. I didn't want to lose them! I don't have the box in my room. It's in our living room for a reason. But if that blasted man I call my father keeps getting new boxes when there is nothing wrong with the one we have, all of my shows will be lost. I love those episodes and I don't want to lose them. He won't even wait to see if they work. And he won't let me explain why I want them. Those episodes are classic. I go back once the show reaches the top 10 or so and see where the stars came from and all that. It's for a reason. And he keeps switching out the boxes once every three blasted months! It's stupid. And annoying and people wonder why I'm frustrated? SEE WHAT I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEN ASK THAT QUESTION. And I can never explain myself. Why? He won't listen. He yells and throws things! I try to explain but when he pulls that CRAP, I forget what I'm saying and I can't explain it right which is what happened to me today when I tried to get him NOT to switch out my box but to show him that the box is fine and it records fine. But he won't LISTEN. Frustration. Live with my dad and you'll find a good solid definition. I'm gone. APRIL OUT!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How long has it been?

Wow, have I been busy. With school, work, and church, I've barely had time to breathe. But I have been having fun. My job is great. I babysit a wonderful bunch of children. The first is my Jordan. I've watched him many times through this passed year. I actually use to keep him the beginning of his 1st grade year. He and I have become close. Very close. I only met him actually less than a year ago but it feels like I've known him forever. He's my precious heart. He's seven years old. Next in line is Corrie. She's six. She's my next door neighbor and very independent. She loves taking care of her little sister and niece (long story). Then, there's Breanna. She's the snuggler. She's four. She has orange hair, the cutest freckles, and she sucks her thumb. She's my cuddle monster. She loves to cuddle. And I welcome that. She's still small enough for me to rock her to sleep.

I will describe my children in colors.

Jordan: He's blue. Why? He's a boy. No, that's not all why. He's blue because of his nature. He's very laid back and relaxed, much like this color. He's sweet and loving and never meets a stranger. His favorite past time is talking. The boy will talk your ear off if you'll let him. He's very imaginative and creative. His smile and laugh will always bring a smile to your face.

Corrie: She's red. Why? She's the boss. No, that's not all why. She's red because she's a wild little girl. Though she's only a year younger than Jordan, she's still a baby in my eyes. She gets scared easily and sometimes can't take a joke. But that's who she is. She's very take charge and likes to be the boss of everything. She helps take care of Breanna.

Breanna: She's lavender. Why? She's the baby. No, that's not all why. Breanna is the smallest out of everyone. She is simply influenced by Jordan and Corrie yet she has the best time trying to be just like me and her sister. Though she still sucks that little thumb, she can be a take charge girl. She molds the entire group together from top to bottom.

At my church, I get paid to do what I love. Watching kids. I just recently picked up a full time job at my church. They were looking for a full time paid worker and I have made enough hours to be able to be considered a full time worker. Which is fine with me! So, I get that job. Along with that, I get paid to watch Jordan, Corrie, and Breanna. For Jordan, it's three times a week for a set rate. For Corrie and Breanna, it's all week and it's a set rate. On occasion, I watch an 8 month old for cash as well. I must say, I think I have my full time job covered. But I love every minute of it.

Recently, I've been trying to introduce some Christian values to the kids. They all go to church but I am a Sunday School teacher so, I take advantage of that and try to teach them good values. I pray with them at breakfast and lunch and I tell them to say prayers before nap. I hope my things help them.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Wow, almost a month

It's been almost a month since my last post on here. Things are crazy right now for me. Things just recently calmed down slightly. My biggest dilemma was the Childrens program at my church. Lisa oh so graciously gave me the role of Drama Coordinator so I oversaw the speaking parts and was director of the skit we did in the musical. That was part of my crazy life.

Around this time, things get really crazy. Exams are approaching, church activities are at a high, and trying to find a summer job ain't as easy as some may think. But I guess the thing that has been bugging me the most is my immune system. You see, when I get overly stressed, my body reacts by killing my immune system. I get a really bad head cold or something to the effect of a head cold and it won't shake until things calm down. Which they will come Friday. Exams are over on Friday and it's summer break. But I have some things to talk about.

My exams are fastly approaching so, I'm worried a bit. Not so much for Creative Writing, American Lit, and Western Civ but College Algebra has proceeded to kick my skinny white booty. That's the only class I'm even remotely worried about. I'm an English major so, my English courses I'm not worried about. Western Civ is okay because my dear friend Mary is a History major. Can we say savior? I can!

Once exams are over, my next worry will be trying to find a full time job. For the time being, my good friend Leslie has informed me that I will be watching her seven year old until I find a full time job. I'm looking more to working in a clinic. To my surprise after looking over my resume, I discovered that I have more clinical experience than any thing else. My mother has managed many many clinics in the central Mississippi area. I've worked for three of her clinics. The only other jobs that I have had was at a restaurant and as a security guard. I'm trained on Medical Manager and Intergy. Yeah, if you don't know what those things are, no worries. I am also very on board with anything and everything that has to do HIPAA. Also medical records. So, I will be looking for openings in clinics at St. Dominic since that is where my mom is the Queen B better known as the HIPAA Queen.

Until I get a full time job, I'll be babysitting the seven year old and getting 60 dollars a week. Which ain't bad. I found that out today from Leslie. But that's not all. My dad got a knew car. You see, he had a 2001 Pontiac Bonneville. He bought it in 2003. It only had 30,000 miles on it. In four years alone, he put over 150,000 miles on his car. He travels a lot. He's a computer engineer for medical offices and he works from home. So, today, he bought himself a 2006 Dodge Magnum. Mom thinks it looks like a hearse. I think it's cool. It's a pretty shade of Burgendy. Nice. I also got a new cell phone today. After some very serious red tape, we upgraded my phone. I FINALLY GOT A CAMERA PHONE. Yeah, dumb, I know but I wanted one for sooooo long but could never afford it. My mother was oh so kind as to help me with the upgrade and I got me a camera phone for only 50 bucks. Awesome, right?

Well, that's pretty much all. If none of that made sense, don't feel bad. It's 11:30 at night and I'm exhausted. TO BED I GO! BUH BYE!