Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How long has it been?

Wow, have I been busy. With school, work, and church, I've barely had time to breathe. But I have been having fun. My job is great. I babysit a wonderful bunch of children. The first is my Jordan. I've watched him many times through this passed year. I actually use to keep him the beginning of his 1st grade year. He and I have become close. Very close. I only met him actually less than a year ago but it feels like I've known him forever. He's my precious heart. He's seven years old. Next in line is Corrie. She's six. She's my next door neighbor and very independent. She loves taking care of her little sister and niece (long story). Then, there's Breanna. She's the snuggler. She's four. She has orange hair, the cutest freckles, and she sucks her thumb. She's my cuddle monster. She loves to cuddle. And I welcome that. She's still small enough for me to rock her to sleep.

I will describe my children in colors.

Jordan: He's blue. Why? He's a boy. No, that's not all why. He's blue because of his nature. He's very laid back and relaxed, much like this color. He's sweet and loving and never meets a stranger. His favorite past time is talking. The boy will talk your ear off if you'll let him. He's very imaginative and creative. His smile and laugh will always bring a smile to your face.

Corrie: She's red. Why? She's the boss. No, that's not all why. She's red because she's a wild little girl. Though she's only a year younger than Jordan, she's still a baby in my eyes. She gets scared easily and sometimes can't take a joke. But that's who she is. She's very take charge and likes to be the boss of everything. She helps take care of Breanna.

Breanna: She's lavender. Why? She's the baby. No, that's not all why. Breanna is the smallest out of everyone. She is simply influenced by Jordan and Corrie yet she has the best time trying to be just like me and her sister. Though she still sucks that little thumb, she can be a take charge girl. She molds the entire group together from top to bottom.

At my church, I get paid to do what I love. Watching kids. I just recently picked up a full time job at my church. They were looking for a full time paid worker and I have made enough hours to be able to be considered a full time worker. Which is fine with me! So, I get that job. Along with that, I get paid to watch Jordan, Corrie, and Breanna. For Jordan, it's three times a week for a set rate. For Corrie and Breanna, it's all week and it's a set rate. On occasion, I watch an 8 month old for cash as well. I must say, I think I have my full time job covered. But I love every minute of it.

Recently, I've been trying to introduce some Christian values to the kids. They all go to church but I am a Sunday School teacher so, I take advantage of that and try to teach them good values. I pray with them at breakfast and lunch and I tell them to say prayers before nap. I hope my things help them.

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