Monday, May 7, 2007

Wow, almost a month

It's been almost a month since my last post on here. Things are crazy right now for me. Things just recently calmed down slightly. My biggest dilemma was the Childrens program at my church. Lisa oh so graciously gave me the role of Drama Coordinator so I oversaw the speaking parts and was director of the skit we did in the musical. That was part of my crazy life.

Around this time, things get really crazy. Exams are approaching, church activities are at a high, and trying to find a summer job ain't as easy as some may think. But I guess the thing that has been bugging me the most is my immune system. You see, when I get overly stressed, my body reacts by killing my immune system. I get a really bad head cold or something to the effect of a head cold and it won't shake until things calm down. Which they will come Friday. Exams are over on Friday and it's summer break. But I have some things to talk about.

My exams are fastly approaching so, I'm worried a bit. Not so much for Creative Writing, American Lit, and Western Civ but College Algebra has proceeded to kick my skinny white booty. That's the only class I'm even remotely worried about. I'm an English major so, my English courses I'm not worried about. Western Civ is okay because my dear friend Mary is a History major. Can we say savior? I can!

Once exams are over, my next worry will be trying to find a full time job. For the time being, my good friend Leslie has informed me that I will be watching her seven year old until I find a full time job. I'm looking more to working in a clinic. To my surprise after looking over my resume, I discovered that I have more clinical experience than any thing else. My mother has managed many many clinics in the central Mississippi area. I've worked for three of her clinics. The only other jobs that I have had was at a restaurant and as a security guard. I'm trained on Medical Manager and Intergy. Yeah, if you don't know what those things are, no worries. I am also very on board with anything and everything that has to do HIPAA. Also medical records. So, I will be looking for openings in clinics at St. Dominic since that is where my mom is the Queen B better known as the HIPAA Queen.

Until I get a full time job, I'll be babysitting the seven year old and getting 60 dollars a week. Which ain't bad. I found that out today from Leslie. But that's not all. My dad got a knew car. You see, he had a 2001 Pontiac Bonneville. He bought it in 2003. It only had 30,000 miles on it. In four years alone, he put over 150,000 miles on his car. He travels a lot. He's a computer engineer for medical offices and he works from home. So, today, he bought himself a 2006 Dodge Magnum. Mom thinks it looks like a hearse. I think it's cool. It's a pretty shade of Burgendy. Nice. I also got a new cell phone today. After some very serious red tape, we upgraded my phone. I FINALLY GOT A CAMERA PHONE. Yeah, dumb, I know but I wanted one for sooooo long but could never afford it. My mother was oh so kind as to help me with the upgrade and I got me a camera phone for only 50 bucks. Awesome, right?

Well, that's pretty much all. If none of that made sense, don't feel bad. It's 11:30 at night and I'm exhausted. TO BED I GO! BUH BYE!

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