Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Wonder of Summer

I have a fantastic job. I babysit kids. Most people would laugh and say, "Babysitting is your job? Oh, I'm so sorry." But really, it's my favorite job in the world. Right now, I watch a little boy who is seven years old. He can talk your ear off at times. I find myself looking at him and saying, "Child, do you have an off button?" But that's normal. He's a little talker. It's just his nature. The boy never meets a stranger. Yet, we go into Walmart or to the bank, and he is like a little church mouse. He does not utter a word. And in return, the tellers at the bank give him a sucker for being so quiet and well behaved. Yet, if he talked like he normally does, he probably wouldn't get a sucker. I use to pick him up from school at the beginning of school and at Steens Creek Elementary, they do behavior logs. The most common behavior log the child had was talking when he wasn't suppose to. Up until now, I couldn't believe it. Now, I see how he gets a bahavior log for talking every single day. But he's seven. He talks. But he talks more than normal seven year olds. It amuses me to see his personality come through.

Since I got out for summer and started my job, I have gotten more and more fascinated in reality shows. My favorite one right now is "Hey Paula". It's a reality show about Paula Abdul. Shocker, right? Her life has always cracked me up and the thought a couple of weeks ago was what if she had a reality show? I would so watch it. Then, low and behold, there was the reality show on Bravo. I was so excited. In just watching the first episode, I saw how hectic her life is. Most people look at celebrities as the bright and shining faces that make us smile and laugh in movies. In the recent times, people have been bashing her for being "drunk" while doing a TV interview. See, that's why I don't pursue a career in movies. I started to show interest and thought to myself, "No way. I don't want to have to deal with the rumors." In reality sense, Paula seemed drunk on an interview she did to promote American Idol. After watching her reality show, I saw how wrong I was. Paula is the kind of woman who just goes and goes and goes and goes. She doesn't have time to have a life, much less sleep all at the same time. In the course of these interviews, she was going on no sleep for at least 48 hours (give or take a few hours) and she was very very tired and also sick. Hello, can we say incoherent? I would be if I hadn't slept for two freakin days straight. Who can function on a ten minute power nap? I can't sleep during the day because I won't sleep at night. If I went 2 days without sleeping, I do believe I'd be stumbling, falling, incoherent, and possibly hostile. I'm a cranky little buger when I don't get enough sleep. Ask anyone. Yet Paula Abdul goes without any sleep and can still put together good questions to answers. It's funny how people jump to conclusions. Rumors get started. Gossip gets started. What is this? High school? Heck, not even high school. It's more like junior high. It's so beyond stupid. But when you're on TV, you're looked at more. I feel sorry for her. She's the sweetest woman in the world and just because she doesn't get sleep doesn't mean she's drunk. Admit it. If we didn't get sleep, our sentences wouldn't make that much sense. Really. So, it floors me that people would be so stupid and spread rumors.

Other than those things, my summer is normal. My nephew is here! WOOOO! Yeah, I'm gonna go spend time with him. BUH BYE! Happy reading!

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