Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My church family.

I thought I'd talk today about my church. The name of it is Lakeshore Congregational Methodist Church. We're not like United Methodist and certainly not like Baptist. Congregational means coming together and that's what we do. In fact, our website says, "People who care for people." And that's true. You come to my church and you're family. The music ministry is absolutely phenomenal. There is so much talent in this church.

I use to belong to the adult choir but I switched gears about three months ago. I decided I wanted to get back into the childrens ministry. My mother would carry on being in the choir, of course. So, I was offered a position to teach two and three year olds. I enjoy it so much. I'm usually in the nursery until around 9:30 on Sunday mornings then I go across the hall to the two and three year old room to teach Sunday School. Then, after that is over, I go diagonally to the infants nursery where I take care of the babies who are newborn-a year and a half or so. And get this. The infants nursery is nothing but boys! Nicolas, Matthew, and Andrew are the three common children. Andrew is my heart. He's just over a year old and his personaility just cracks me up. Matthew is my little fussy pants. But you stick a pacifier in that little guy's mouth and he's good. Or at least until food is present. Then, he will reach up for some. Then, there's Nicolas. Nicolas is the bully. He's a BIG baby. And when I say big, I mean big. He's already about 40 pounds and he's barely a year old! He's not fat by any means but he is husky and that's what makes him adorable. But he's not so adorable when he picks on the smaller babies. Andrew I don't really worry about that much because his daddy was in the army and is now a police officer. Andrew knows how to hold his own even if he is an only child. If Nicolas tries to take something from him, Andrew very quickly snatches it back and starts babbling at Nicolas. Nicolas gets mad and starts to throw a fit and me and Ms. Gail just sit back and laugh. Mostly because we both know Andrew is saying something to the effect of, "This is my toy, and no, you can't have it." Matthew will just sit there and laugh also. But when Nicolas tries to pick on Matthew, he doesn't do anything to protect himself and Nicolas will take away his toy and Matthew will just look up at me and Ms. Gail as if to say, "He took my toy. Tell him to give it back." So, of course, I get up and get the toy from Nicolas and Nicolas throws a fit again. The funny thing about Nicolas is the fact that he has an older brother named Harrison who is almost three. Nicolas outweighs Harrison by a good ten or fifteen pounds. And Nicolas is almost too big for his diapers. Jen and Michael may have to start puttin that boy in adult diapers. Or start potty training.

I love my kids and I often babysit Andrew on Wednesday nights when choir lets out. His mother, Amanda, is usually still singing or practicing something else. (Amanda is Andrew's mother and she has a beautiful BEAUTIFUL voice.) But I love all of my kids and especially my Sunday School kids, Sarabeth, Isabella, Zach, Emily, Emily, and Zoey. I'm hoping that more will join with time. And I invite anyone here if you are interested in coming to visit Lakeshore, the website is . The music ministry is amazing, the kids ministry is awesome, and there's always something to do! You can also email me if you have any questions or comment on this.

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