Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The World.

You know, the world can be a very negative place. Look around you. Watch people drive down the road. Watch people walk down the sidewalk. Just notice things. The world can be a very negative place! Road rage does not only exist on the roads. It exists in people as well. I can't understand it. What in the world can be so bad that you have to be mean and hateful? The natural explanation is this. "I've had a bad day." "Someone cut me off on I55." Or my mother's favorite, "It was a day." That's indication for my father and I to just back off and not ask anymore.

But you think about this. Millions of miles away from us, children are starving. Mothers are struggling just to have a meal a day for the family. Fathers are not able to keep a job down because he is too weak from hunger. Now, you look at your life and tell me which is worse. Someone cutting you off on 55? Or a family starving? Think about that. I don't know why I was thinking about this today but I did. I, myself, get caught up in my anger when driving down the road. People who are going slower than I want them to who won't get out of the way.

I almost came to tears after coming to the realization of how horrible I was thinking. The realization hit me when a van pulled out in front of me and cut me off on 469 on my way back to Florence. And I was just listening to a Lincoln Brewster song called Love The Lord. It's a very upbeat song and the lyrics are so simple. "Love the Lord." Simple, right? And I started thinking about how awful I was for thinking that.

I think we should all just stop and think before we speak. Think about those people who are so very much less fortunate than us. I mean, I compare my life to someone in a third world country and compared to them, I live in Hollywood Hills making a million dollars a day. I just cry when I think about it. This is a good time for a prayer.

Lord, I am sorry. I know I'm selfish in how I think. So many people are worse off than me yet I still think only of myself. I pray that You will help me to stay humble and not let the little things get to me.

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