Sunday, March 25, 2007

And action!

This is actually very excited. You see, I was offered another position at my church. I love children and I really feel that God is calling me to the Childrens' Ministry at my church. And if I'm not sure on that, I just look back on all the doors that God has opened up for me just from the time I quit the Celebration Choir at church and came to the Nursery for full time. Since Christmas Eve (which was the last time I sang with the Celebration Choir because I had a solo in the song, Light A Candle.), I became teacher of the 2 and 3 year olds Sunday School, I have been offered a full time position as a Nursery Worker in the Infants, Walkers, and Toddler's room. Now, I had already had a position in Childrens Choir because my cousin is the leader and my Godmother is one of the teachers. I am her assistant. So, I already had that. But tonight, God opened up yet another door in the Childrens Choir Ministry. You see, the Childrens Choir is so affectionately called KidZPrayZ. Cute, right? Lisa made that up. There are four total sections in Childrens Choir. The 4 year old choir is first, then 5 year old choir, and then we go to the Music Makers (which is 1st-3rd grade, teachers being myself and my Mama Lori) and the Spirit Singers (which is 4th-6th grade, teachers being Lisa, Martha, and Celeste). When we put on a program, Lisa divides responsibilities up in sections. Usually, one person will take the soloists and work with them, one person will take the drama team and work with them, and then the remaining teachers will do games with the kids. Now, usually, I do games. Tonight, however, Lisa asked me to be in charge of the drama department. That meant I am the drama teacher.

That was yet another door opened up by God. There are times when I want to pull my hair out and want to quit but then I look at my babies and kids and I can't walk away. Andrew is my life, Ashley and David are my armor, and all of my Sunday School kids are my heart. I love all of my kids. And I am more than happy to do anything at my church that deals with kids. As long as God continues to open the doors, I will take on the responsibility.

Tonight was my first taste of being a kind of "director". I took my group of about six kids and I explained my vision. They listened and loved my ideas. We were the last ones to dismiss because we were having so much fun. I have a very good feeling about this drama. It's going to be fun, exciting, and very entertaining. Details of when the program will be will be posted very soon. I do know it'll be either later April or early May at Lakeshore Congregational Methodist Church in Byram, Mississippi. If y'all know where that is, keep looking on my page for more details! It's gonna be FUN! Peace.

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