Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Something Beautiful

Take a moment and look outside. Look at the clouds. Look at your neighbor's house. Look at your pet (dog, cat, bird, etc). I look at these things and see how beautiful they are. I am beyond blessed to have everything I do. I take it for granted sometimes. That's wrong on my part. God blessed me with everything I have right now. I have a beautiful home that my parents have raised both my brother and I in, I have food every day and night, I have clothes on my back.

I have to admit, I often don't think about the little things I have. I think of them as something that makes my life easier. But think about this. I have a car. My mind set is it is something to make my life easier. But what about those who don't have cars to drive like we do? I have a friend that I go to school with that lives in South Jackson in a run down house that was built in the 40's. His family can't afford more than one car. He is in college and he is driven by his mother to school every day. On most days, he is dropped off as early as 7AM and not picked up until 5PM. I remember those days. It was before I got my license. I was in the 9th grade. I got dropped off by my dad (or mom depending on who was ready first) at 7 and not picked up until right at 5. It's boring. Seriously. But I had the luxury of having a ride from place to place. What about those who don't have anything. They don't even have one car among the family. My ex boss when I work as a security guard was talking about a person who was often late for work. Why was he late? He had to ride a bike from South Jackson to Richland. Can you imagine how long that ride would be? He is very fit, mind you. But my boss at the time was talking to me one day about this guy. Her words to me were "Cars now-a-days only cost about 200 if you don't want to go top of the line." Of course, her being my boss at the time, I didn't want to smart off to her and get fired. But I was thinking to myself, "Maybe he can't afford a 200$ car. Maybe he's doing like much of the world and living paycheck to paycheck. He probably had bills and everything like that." We're not all fortunate, you know.

I've noticed something absolutely amazing though. Those who are very well off are often always wanting more or upset by little things. Yet, I remember going on mission trips to Mexico to basically a third world country neighborhood and seeing those bright faces of those sweet families. The children were so beautiful and sweet. You almost have to wonder what it is like down there. The families are in tears when they see us coming to help them. They are blessed to have anything they need. They mostly live off of dirty water and bread. Sometimes not even that. We cook them a big meal and give them clean water. They are so blessed by us. It brings me to tears. It's beautiful. Something Beautiful.

I think about five years in the future. I picture myself getting married. I picture my daddy, my own personal teddy bear, walking me down the aisle. Me telling him, "Daddy, don't let me fall on these heels." and him replying, "Don't worry, baby. I won't let you fall." I see my future husband with a big smile on his face. I see my brother as one of the groomsmen of my future husband. I see my mother crying on the front row. I picture my dress. It is long, flowing, and white. I don't have a vail and I'm really barefooted under the dress but no one can see it because the dress is so long. I come up to the front of my church where Benton is standing to marry my husband and I. Benton smiles at my father and I and gently says, "Who gives this child away?" My dad smiles and says, "Myself and her mother." He gently takes my hand and places it through my future husband's arm. That is Something Beautiful. I leave you with the lyrics to this song by the NewsBoys called Something Beautiful.

I wanna start it over
I wanna start again
I want a new beginning
One without any end
I feel it inside
Calling out to me

It's a voice that whispers my name
It's a kiss without any shame
Something beautiful
Like a song that stirs in my head
Singing love will take us where
Something's beautiful

I've heard it in the silence
Seen it on a face
I've felt it in a long hour
Like a sweet embrace
I know this is true
It's calling out to me

It's the child on her wedding day
It's the daddy that gives her away
Something beautiful
When we laugh so hard we cry
It's the love between you and I
Something beautiful

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