Monday, March 26, 2007

The Hospitality State?

I grew up in what is named The Hospitality State. Mississippi. I love this state. The winters are short and the temperatures are usually pleasant all year around. There are some cold temperatures in the winter months and some extremely hot temperatures in the summer months. From June until the middle of September, it is very very hot. Temperatures have been known to reach up in the upper 100's. True, not the most pleasant temperatures but that's why God made AC, right? =) During the fall and spring months are the best temperatures, in my opinion. My perfect temperatures are 50-80 degrees. Anything lower and higher, I don't like all that much. I don't mind temperatures falling lower than 50 but I don't like temperatures once they reach in the 90's. When they top that high, I'm usually in my pool or inside where the AC is blowing full blast.

I do live in a very hospitable state however, we are not as friendly as some may see. This is by no means bashing my state. I love Mississippi. And for the most part, we are very nice and friendly. But in the heart of Central Mississippi, there is crime, hate, and disgust. I watch the news every night and literally have to shake my head. People being so hateful that they will target the elderly or a guy with no moral standings what so ever, steals a car with two babies in the back seat and then dumping them in the road with no respect for their parents or them. We deal with racism. True, we're not as bad off as most but there is still racism. And that goes both ways. Not only are there still some white people who are racist towards black people, but there are black people out there who are racist towards white people. It's disgusting. There is so much hate and horror here.

Though we do have hate and horror here, we also have the nice world. Like I said, I love this state. We are, for the most part, a very pleasant and happy state. We are right smack in the middle of the Bible belt. Yes, I am a Christian. My denomination is Congregational Methodist only because I was baptised in the church itself. I don't like calling myself any set of denomination because, if I can quote my mother, "It just shows what man has made." Man made denominations. God made Christianity. I like Congregational Methodism the best, however, because it deals with people. I am a very big people person. And that church, we are friends with everyone.

You come down here, you'll see a church at every corner. But if you look closer, you'll see the hate and horror of the real state of Mississippi. I can drive five minutes from my house and be in the ghetto. Though I live in a very safe neighborhood in Florence, the ghetto is not far from my house. We steal deal with robbery and other things. I pray every night and day that the violence stops. It will. I know it. I just have to have faith.

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