Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Finding a job is like getting a root canal!

It's harder than you think. I have applied to three different companies for a job. One, St. Dominic Hospital as a day care worker. Two, at Blockbuster in Richland. Three, McAlister's Deli in Richland. I applied to the St. Dominic one like a month ago. I've lost hope in that one. Blockbuster was hiring but when I got there to fill out an application, I was informed that they weren't hiring anymore but to still fill out an application just in case. On my way home today from class, I passed McAlister's Deli. I had worked there a couple of years ago. I thought, what the heck? So, I get there and Barry (general manager) gets me an application. I go home, fill it out, and come back up there. As I walk in, I see the sign that I've been looking for. The infamous Now Hiring sign. I'm thinking, heck yeah. I've worked here before. I'm confident. I should be, right? I mean, I worked there a couple of weeks ago. I halfway know the system. I will need a brush up but I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll get a call back. He told me he had planned on calling me for an interview either today or tomorrow. That works for me. I just hope that I will get a job. I need one. I owe my parents about 200$ for my court fees and ticket fees from the last ticket I got. I told them that I'd give them the money as soon as I get a job.

Working at McAlister's was fun when I did work there. The one in Richland was a blast. The only reason I transfered to the one in Byram was because I had, and I emphasize the word had, a friend who worked there. We're having what most people call a falling out. Basically, she's a word I don't feel comfortable saying. But the definition is a female dog. ANYWAY, I quit the one in Byram because they jipped me on my hours. The one in Richland never jipped me on my hours. Whatever day or time they asked me to come in, I did. And I worked until my manager said, "April, clock out." It's a good job and very close to my house. It's only about a 7 minute drive to and from there. Hopefully, I'll get the job. I need the money in the worst way. And I need a summer job. Hopefully, I will have it. HERE'S TO WISHING!

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