Thursday, March 15, 2007

What is up with the weather?!

Y'know, I think I'll stop watching the weather channel and bringing up their website to see what the weather will be like. They haven't gotten it right YET. They said we were suppose to get thunderstorms last night. I think I heard one clap of thunder. And on the way home from church, it started raining. It stopped soon after. This morning, I woke up and the sun was shining! Now, granted, the sun isn't shining now. It's cloudy and we just had a shower. Still in all, they were predicting some pretty bad stuff. I didn't see it.

I think in most ways, the weather is like life. You can't predict it. Well, you can predict it but you can't prove it. Isn't that what Meteorologists do? They can't say for sure what the weather will do. Only God can. Isn't that how life is? We can't say for sure what our lives will do. Only God can. I sometimes have to be reminded of that. Sometimes, I think that one thing will happen on a day and then it changes on me in an instant. My dad's health problems is one. I wasn't expecting anything like what we've been through. And to add to everything, we just found out he has Hepatitis C. Another curve ball. See, my dad, Mike Boggan, was in a very bad car wreck in 1971 or 1972. He was with his brother, Ricky Boggan (my brother was named after him). They lost control of their car and crashed. Ricky died because he wasn't wearing his seat belt. My father, Mike, broke both of his legs and had a gash in his head. He was in critical condition. He had to get a lot of blood transfusions. That is how he contracted the disease. That was another prediction my grandparents and my dad couldn't have seen. I'm thankful to say my father is alive and well.

Broken record here. God has a plan for EVERYTHING. He makes the good things happen but He also throws those curve balls to test our faith. My dad may have Hypertension, Diabetes, and Hepatitis C. But God did that for a reason. Satan always loves to put those thoughts in your mind saying, "Blame God. He did it. Your life sucks because of Him." Wrong. It is God that is saying, "I sent you that for a reason. You must learn a lesson in this. I know you can do it." That's what keeps me going every day. Is God sending you "Faith Challenges"?

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