Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The "Ew" factor

Is it possible to spread a disease from just emailing? When I heard that Barbie Bassett was sick (by her blog), I emailed her and asked her how she felt. This was last night. She said she was better but she thought it was a stomach virus. Now, I had known that it was spreading around, and maybe I did catch it from one of my class mates but how weird is this? I have a stomach virus the night after I emailed Barbie. Coincidence? I don't know. I was up most of last night in and out of the bathroom and I thought I was okay enough to go to class. That was, until, I got to class. I made it fifteen minutes before getting sick again. I decided that was it. I called my parents, got a check from them, and went up to MEA. The doctor said that the virus was going around and to be on an all liquid diet for 24 hours. I'm staying home tomorrow, as spoken by my doctor. I have to go up to Flowood Police Department to do my Defensive Driving School. It's from 5:30-9:30. I think I can make it but man, it makes me feel rotten.

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