Monday, March 5, 2007

Sean William Pearson.

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This is my nephew. His name is Sean William Pearson. We call him Will. He was born December 9, 2005. He's now 14 months old and will be 15 months old on the 9th of this month. His parents are Beth and Sean. Though Beth is my cousin and technically that makes Will my cousin, he is considered my nephew because Mom is considered his grandmother. She refers to Will as her grandson which, in technical terms, makes me his aunt. Or one of his aunts.

I've been around him since he was a small baby. The first day I met him was very soon after he was born. The night that he was born actually. I remember looking at him and saying, "He looks like his daddy." At the time, his father was over seas. Sean is stationed in Oak Grove, Kentucky and will be diployed in October. His wife, my cousin, Beth, is pregnant with their second child. It will be a girl. We're all excited. But this blog is to talk about the cutey whom I refer to as "My Little Buger."

Will looked just like his father when he was born. That nose just screamed Sean. But as he grew, he started looking like his mother. And now, that nose is definitely our side of the family. Like I said, he's 14 months old now. He's at that age where he's saying little bits of things, such as "Dada." "Mama." "Uh-oh." And my favorite, "Who is it?" and "What is it?" He says, "Who is it" when the phone rings. And it's a high pitched voice when he does it too. He says, "What is it" when he gets a hold of something that he's not suppose to have. For instance, the family came down to see us a couple of weeks ago. He got a hold of one of the coasters from the coffee table. He knows he's not suppose to have it and he knows when he has something he's not suppose to have. But he grabbed the coaster, went to his Mama D (My mother) and said in that cute high pitched voice, "What is it?" Mom, of course, laughed but then told him not to get it again. Not five minutes later, he got it again and again, went to my mom and said, "What is it?" Every time we laughed but to teach him, we had to tell him not to get it. He eventually got the hint and then started going for the phones in the house. But for that, he said both "Who is it" and "What is it" He knows he's not suppose to have the phone but he gets it anyway. That little hand was popped many times while he was down here but you can't stay mad at him because he's so cute when he says it.

It's gonna be funny when his little sister comes along. Jealousy will definitely be a factor. I can't wait. My mother is, of course, going up there when the baby is born in July. Hopefully Sean won't be diployed until after the baby is scheduled to come. Her name will be Harleigh but I will call her Leigh. I can't wait to see the little girl. I just hope Sean can see the new baby.

I'll leave you guys with this cute picture from Will's 1st birthday December 9, 2006.
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