Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Look at the way she is dressed. She shouldn't be let out of the house with something that wrong on. She's so fat. Does she not know how bad she looks in an outfit like that? Come on. We've all thought this at one place or another. Picture you walk into Wal-mart to get groceries. You stray away from your list and disappear to the electronics section to check out the latest movie or CD. A woman passes by you with a tank top and booty shorts on and she's a bit overweight. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see that? Do you think, aw, look how cute that tank top is. Or, do you think, Holy snipers. Someone get some butter for that roll! We have all been there. We all know what we're looking at.

In the Bible, Jesus tells us not to judge people because we will be judged just as we judged other people. I take those words to heart but even I have trouble when I see someone who (mind you) knows that they are overweight yet they still wear clothes like they're Paris Hilton. I am a bit overweight. Therefore, I know not to wear clothes that are gonna show off my rolls I got in the middle of my stomach.

Judgement doesn't stop at Wal-mart. You're driving down the road and someone cuts you off. What is your first instinct gonna be. Well, mine would be the lay on my horn and call him/her everything but the Child of God but we're not talking about me. First instinct, you probably will lay on your horn for a minutes. Then what? How about this, I wish a police man were here. This person does not need to be on the road. He's a horrible driver. Isn't that what we think? How do we know that they aren't just talking on a cell phone (which is just as bad) and didn't see you? Or he was in a hurry to get somewhere? When we're late for an appointment or late for work or school, don't we speed it up a little bit? Y'know, whip around here and there to get around the lower moving traffic? I use to until I got a ticket slapped on my record. Now, I'm more careful.

Picture this. You're playing outside with your kids (or in my case, nephew). Some kid comes flying by in his car blaring the bass system in his car. What is your first thought when you hear that? Oh, how sweet. WRONG. You think, What a hoodlum. That boy needs to go to the juvenile detention center to get straightened out. Okay, the boy is speeding and he's blaring his radio. So what? I have two older brothers. They are constantly in competition to see who can have the best surround sound in their car. (Ricky's winning by the way. Sorry Scott. You gotta keep up, boi.) So, when a bass system comes down my street, I know it's either my brother Ricky or my brother Scott. And the both of them are very good people. Ricky lives in Dallas and works a great job. Scott lives in Madison with his girlfriend Rachael and Scott works at the Nissan plant. And his paycheck ain't that bad either. Just because a kid comes flying down the street doesn't mean that they are a hoodlum. If your favorite song comes on the radio, what are you gonna do? You're gonna CRANK THAT SUCKA UP! Am I right? Yeah, I'm right.

Judgement comes in all shapes and sizes. We need to watch ourselves and stay clear of judgement. After all, would we want to be judged the same way we judge other people? I don't think so. I probably get judged every place I go because I'm not a big smiler when I'm in public places. If I'm with a friend, I'm smiling but 9 times out of 10 I'm usually alone in Wal-mart doing my shopping. And I don't smile. I smile at the greeter and I smile at the cashier who's checking me out. That's it. So, I would be labeled a snob who has more money than I can count. Why? Because I look presentable when I go out in public. I fix my hair, I do my make-up, and I put on jeans and a random fitted T. Doesn't mean I have the money to blow at Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and Old Navy. Heck, if I had money like that, then why am I at the redneck Wal-mart in Richland? Hmm? And why don't I live in Madison instead of Florence? Hmm? Yeah, that's right.

Okay, long blog is over. I'm gonna go batten down the hatches for the approaching weather! OH! fun.

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